setalah muter-muter nyari Core yang awalnya mengunakan Metallic Hardcore atau Post-Hardcore gue meyimpulkan kalo CrabCore itu di cetus oleh post-hardcore yang berevolusi karena terobosan Trancecore | Technocore | Dancecore | Swingcore or whatever CORE dan bisa di bilang Crabcore itu bukan sebuah genre musik tetapi sebuah pelecehan. Niat ingin menjadi macho/cool tetapi apa daya, penampilan sangat feminim. Dan banyak orang bilang orang Crabcore adalah ...
" Mix some emo faggotry with sick crab moves and some awesome techno breaks ""Crabcore is a some weird-ass stance while playing some shitty metalcore music that is now in the mainstream thanks to christfags Attack Attack!. It entails after playing over 9000 breakdowns, screaming like a whiny pussy and wailing your guitar up and down like a kid on assburgers attempting to air guitar and crouching like a crab at the same time. The genre was pushed into the mainstream when the band decided their old version music video of "Stick Stickly" was not br00t4l enough to appeal to the metalhead fans which apparently the band thought they had many of them."
Crab, darimana kata itu berasal ? Crab adalah bahasa Inggris dari kepiting jadi crabcore adalah style bergaya jalan kepiting yang bisa dilihat dibawah ini
jadi kesimpulan gue CRABCORE itu cuma genre musik yang menjurus ke style yang membawakan genre Post-hardcore / Metal / Electro.itu kesimpulan gue. no offense!!
The Irish Front - Myspace RIP
Artist - The Irish Front
Album - Myspace Rip
Genre - Death metal - Grindcore - Experimental
Website - MYSPACE
Country - Avondale, Arizona - Estados Unidos ...